
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great, just GREAT *insert sarcasm*

I love facebook, I really do.  I re-found friends I had lost contact with, I get quick updates on friends I dont see often enough and I love playing the stupid games.  But right now I hate facebook . . . not facebook itself, but more the unknowingly untimely posts.  Here is a sampling of what I saw recently:
  • Picture of obviously pg friend that I didnt know was pg [although she did post about her very sad stillbirth awhile ago]
  • Another friend offering to get rid of her maternity clothes
  • Another friend posting that she needs more time to be a mom [I believe she is referring to needing more time in the day]
Not to mention all the pics of their kids  . . . I know I shouldnt be this bitter because they have no idea . . . I guess it is just really bad timing.  I am contemplating sharing my miscarriage stories with some of my real life friends, but I'm not sure . . . I see pros and cons to both telling and not telling.

I am feeling particularly emotional today . . . emotional and weird.  I thought I was getting over my cold, but today I took a turn for the worse.  I was feeling better yesterday and while I did try and take it easy, I think I overdid it :-(  And now I feel a little dizzy and nauseous . . . but have been hungry all day, that has to be a good sign, right?


  1. Oh, believe me, I know what you mean about FB. And I feel like whenever I walk down the street I see moms, dads, nannies-- everyone-- with their cute babies.

  2. Cyndee, I have started telling my RL friends about my miscarriages and I have found many of them to be surprisingly understanding. Those that weren't can go kiss an egg!
