
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bye Bye Tooth #23

So after knowing the tooth was going bad for years, I finally got tooth #23, my front lower left tooth removed, Yeah!  I am thinking (hoping) that this is one of the causes of my recurrent miscarriages, although I base that solely on an internet article stating that mouth health can affect fertility. But anyway I am just happy to have it out because I feel like I am doing something and well, something had to be done with it because it was severely decayed.  The top part actually broke off and was held on because it was bonded to the next tooth.

So I am writing this as the anesthetic is wearing off . . . there is a big bloody hole where my tooth was previously, but I am hoping to have little to no pain.  The dentist gave me a prescription for vicodin and for antibiotics.  I choose to only fill the prescription for the antibiotics.  I'm not a fan of taking them, but since I do have a mitral valve prolapse (heart murmur) and used to have to take antibiotics before and after each dentist visit (even a cleaning) I guess I cant complain about taking them for a few days after having the tooth removed.

I go in tomorrow morning for an ortho appointment to get a new bottom aligner . . . and they promised they could make the aligner white where the tooth was . . . lets hope so otherwise I will look like trailer trash or like I am a meth junkie.

And I was looking forward to drinking some wine tomorrow night . . . the antibiotics dont say you cant drink . . . so I guess I am ok(??)

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