
Thursday, October 27, 2011


I had a Saline Infusion Sonogram yesterday and all I have to say is OUCH!  I had a HSG in January 2010 and I had some mild discomfort but the saline sonogram was painful for me. 

The procedure literally took 5 minutes - the doctor inserted the speculum then the other stuff (balloon, saline, catheter etc) and I think it was during this that he bumped the speculum or something moved a little and I got some sharp pains.  I also started to feel nauseous, something I rarely ever feel (thank goodness).  He then inserted the ultrasound probe and we were able to see my uterus fill with saline (it appeared black on the screen vs the tissue that appeared more white.  It was all over quickly, thank goodness.  When I sat up there was a gush of the saline that came out too, fun.

It has been almost 24 hours since the procedure and this morning when I woke up I felt pain down there.  It is kindof like premenstrual cramps but a little different.  I see tylenol in my future today.

The Doc said everythig looked ok - no polyps or fibroids or anything . . . just add this to my long list of tests that came back normal.

Oh and I did get my Homocysteine results back - I had a 5 and the normal range is 4-15.  I asked the doc since it was on the low end of normal and he said it was OK if it was low since they only worry about it if it is high.  Hmph.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RE . . . again

So I had an appointment on the 18th with a RE.  I met with a RE in January 2010 and had all the testing done and there were no red flags.  We did get pg a month or two after that - maybe the HSG helped?  But then began our string of miscarriages :-(  So this time the RE is looking at me as a RPL (recurrent pregnancy loss) patient, not as someone who cannot get pg, even though it has been 9 cycles since my last loss and we are not pg. 

So the doc did an ultrasound and since I was in the 2ww he could see I had 8 follies on one ovary and 4 on the other - in other words, no smoking gun there.  I am ovulating, but I could have told you that!  Anyway, it was nice to have a confirmation, even though since I was 9dpo at the time and he looked at my uterus I knew I was out this cycle.  But I could have told you that since I didn't have any symptoms.

He did review my previous test results and I was normal for everything except MTFHR.  I was shocked when he said that and he even turned the screen so that I could see where it says Abnormal.  WTH??  The doc that ordered those tests said I was normal???  This doc said that it doesnt mean much unless you also have Homocystiene checked .. .  um, why didnt the doc say that before?  I would have gladly went in for a blood test!  Grrhh.

So this doc ordered a bunch of blood tests - several that I have had before, FSH, TSH, Estradiol, and some others.  He also recommended the Clomid Challenge test and a saline sonogram.

I went in for bloodwork on cd 3 as directed, have my saline sonogram scheduled for CD7 and will go in on CD10 for more bloodwork.

I got the electronic notification of some test results and they are here, along with previous results if there were any:

FSH - 6.3  previously 4.7 in January 2010.
TSH - 1.87 previously 1.80 and 2.15
Estradiol - 36 - previously 47.2
Factor II - 82% which is in the standard range of 70-120 (maybe on the low end? but I dont know what this means)

I'll have to ask the doctor tomorrow what the results mean, hmm. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Life is not the way it's supposed to be.. It's the way it is..

The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference.

This seemed appropriate as today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  I wasnt supposed to have three losses, but I am dealing with it the best way I can.  Some days are rougher than others :-(

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good Quote :-)

Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.  
~J.K. Rowling

Monday, October 10, 2011

Quote of the Day

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
~Frank A. Clark

So I have had a lot of obstacles on my path . .. hopefully it leads somewhere amazing!