
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Not Into TTC

So I am OK to try again this month, but for some reason I just dont feel into it :-(  DH is helping motivate me, and I think I am oing today or did yesterday.  We did get our bding in for this cycle, but I really wish I could get my head into the game . . . but I hope that I can snap out of this funk soon.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Half Birthday

I just realized today is my half birthday.  I haven't really thought about when my half birthday is since high school when a friend of mine used to have a mini celebration of getting a half year older.  Remember those days, when you actually wanted to get older? 

Well, I am not looking forward to getting older, especially since it means my baby making years are numbered.  When I realized this I got a little sad.  Just like when I see the screen at the orthodontist's office - they break my age down into years and months, 37 years 6 months, sigh.  The earliest I could give birth would be at ate 38 - yikes!  a 38 year old first time Mom.  I guess I shouldn't complain as long as I do get to give birth at 9 months to a nice and healthy baby, regardless of what my age is.  Although I think my age is bothering me lately because I am slowly seeing that I will be lucky to even have one kid . . . and since I am an only child myself, that is something I said I would never do . . . how things change.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aunt Flo and Uncle Crampy Have Arrived

Finally, AF and UC have arrived!  Uncle Crampy is really being a pain today, but I know he is working on getting everything out of there and ultimately that is a good thing.  Now if that ibuprofin would just kick in we would be in business :-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feeling Better . . . and Staying Occupied(Distracted)

I had a headache of a headache on Monday!  It was by far the worst headache I have ever had!  I was having some minor headaches for several days, presumably from the antibiotics.  But on Monday it turned into a massive headache!  I couldnt do anything!  I couldnt concentrate - I read the same sentence 3 times and still didnt know what it said . . . so I went home from work and took a nap.  The nap was not good sleep, but I felt a little better when I woke up.  I ate something and went to bed and felt much better in the morning - not 100%, but being really down made me appreciate any improvment.  I hope I NEVER have a headache like that again!

I am feeling much better now . . . no more antibiotics . . . and I'm not sure I will take doxycycline again - unless it is the last resort.

I am also keeping myself busy with non TTC related things . . . and I am still waiting for my first post-miscarriage AF.  I think it should be coming soon, but I have been saying that for awhile :-(  CD33 and I think I o'd on CD21.