
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

# Cycles: 37

So I looked at my chart and saw that I had entered 37 cycles :-(  I know that isn't all of them either because I wasn't good about keeping track in the beginning.  For the first year or so all I did was track the start date of my cycle . ..  those were the days of carefree bding - we just did it when we wanted, then it turned into temping, bding according to the schedule, miscarriage and more :-(  During these 37 cycles I have seen countless friends, acquaintances and coworkers get pregnant and post their pictures on facebook, while I quietly had three miscarriages.  I am a good friend and congratulate them, but I'd be lying if each time I post a Congratulations that I didn't feel a tug on my jealousy bone :-(  My DH always says, don't worry about other people getting things because it is not your time . . . but maybe my time to be a mother will never come, and I have to accept the cold hard truth.

I should ovulate around New Years  . . .  maybe 2012 will be a better year.  Pretty Please with Sugar on Top.


  1. Big hugs to you Cyndee. I know this is a loaded question, but have you guys talked about moving forward with some more aggressive treatment? I thought you had a post a while back about possibly doing IUI with injectibles. I don't mean to push, but I just wonder if it might be time. You are definitely in my thoughts, and I'm rooting for you big time.

  2. I have thought about it . . . but I am being stubborn since I was able to get pregnant on my own before. I'm sure the extra stress in my life isnt making it easier :-( But 2012 is another year!
